Friday, January 26, 2007

I remain mystified by the passion of multilevel marketers who try every now and then to convince me that joining an Amway or Avon or Oriflame or Tupperware network is THE way to build a fortune that will yield a residual income for old age. The truth is that everyone has an economic minimum up to which needs are being met - and after that, all additional income is wish fulfilment money which carries little value beyond one's cremation / grave / tower of silence / whatever. Why would I want to be persuaded to persuade someone else that buying overpriced goods of dubious incremental value will buy happiness through income streams?


Musings.. said...

You sound like an old relative of mine who once said .. if you want to feel rich I could add a few zeros to you passbook..

But in reality nothing would change as you wouldnt live your life any differently!!

Dr. Ally Critter said...

... so there is this scheme which is very lucrative.....